The drive for renewable energies is constant. We bring to companies in this sector our deep technical knowledge from the initial phase of product design, regarding the choice of suitable materials and mechanical design.
It is important to use appropriate materials that can withstand the most demanding environmental conditions, thus ensuring the durability and efficiency of renewable energy installations.
We bring technical knowledge from the initial design phase: selection and optimization of materials and mechanical design. Support and fastening elements for solar installations, electrical connectors for inverters.
The drive for renewable energies is constant. We bring to companies in this sector our deep technical knowledge from the initial phase of product design, regarding the choice of suitable materials and mechanical design.
It is important to use appropriate materials that can withstand the most demanding environmental conditions, thus ensuring the durability and efficiency of renewable energy installations.
We bring technical knowledge from the initial design phase: selection and optimization of materials and mechanical design. Support and fastening elements for solar installations, electrical connectors for inverters.
And your industrial area, too!
We work for a wide range of sectors, constantly exploring new opportunities.
We have the experience, dedication and the industrial and human resources to drive growth and success in your industry.
And your industrial area, too!
We work for a wide range of sectors, constantly exploring new opportunities.
We have the experience, dedication and the industrial and human resources to drive growth and success in your industry.
Convocatoria: Programa de ayuda para actuaciones de eficiencia energética en las PYME y en grandes empresas del sector industrial.
Título del proyecto: Inversión en nueva y mejorada tecnología para la fabricación de productos metálicos.
Resultados: Ahorro energético anual: 582.945,00 kWh/año y 50,13 tep/año.
ESTAMPACIONES METÁLICAS JOM, S.L. ha sido beneficiaria de una Ayuda del Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital dentro del Programa de ayudas IDAE para Actuaciones de Eficiencia Energética PYME y en Gran Empresa del Sector Industrial (nº de expediente ICA012/19/000228), con una ayuda concedida de 125.551,25€ y una inversión elegible de 650.000,00€.
Esta ayuda ha permitido mejorar la eficiencia energética de la planta productiva de ESTAMPACIONES METÁLICAS JOM, S.L., mediante la sustitución de una máquina de corte con una mejora en la producción y especialmente en el consumo energético, el cual se ha reducido en gran medida respecto a la máquina anterior.
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)
"Una manera de hacer Europa"