You are visiting the web page owned by JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL In order to comply with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we provide you with the corresponding information on the use and ownership of this website:
Identification data
Registered office: C/ INDUSTRIA, 12, 08186- LLIÇA D’AMUNT (BARCELONA).
CIF: B-61369609
Telephone: +34 938 415 444
Email: jom@jom.e
Registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona Volume 29,847. Folio 0107, Sheet 162.923, Inc. 1st, General Section.
User acceptance
This Legal Notice regulates access and use of the website that JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL makes available to Internet users. User means the person who accesses, browses, uses or participates in the services and activities of the Web.
A user’s access and navigation through the Web implies the unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice.
ESTAMPACIONS METÀL·LIQUES JOM, SL can offer through the web page services that may be found subject to their own particular conditions about which the User will be informed in each specific case.
Use of the web
The user undertakes to use the Website, the contents and services in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, good customs and public order. In the same way, the User undertakes not to use the Website or the services provided through it with illicit purposes or effects or contrary to the content of this Legal Notice, harmful to the interests or rights of third parties , or that in any way may damage, render useless or deteriorate the Web or its services or prevent normal enjoyment of the Web by other Users.
The user expressly undertakes not to destroy, alter, render useless or, in any other way, damage the data, programs or electronic documents and others found on the web.
The user undertakes not to obtain information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and in general, any type of material accessible through the website or the services offered there .
It is understood that the access or use of the Website by the user implies the acceptance by him of the Legal Notice that JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL has published at the time of access, which will be always available to users.
Web access and passwords
If, in order to use a service on the web, the user had to register, he will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. If, as a result of registration, the user will be provided with a password, he undertakes to use it diligently and to keep the password secret in order to access these services. Users are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any identifiers or passwords provided.
The user is obliged to immediately notify JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL of any fact that allows the improper use of identifiers and/or passwords, such as theft, loss, or unauthorized access to them, with the purpose of proceeding to cancel it immediately. As long as these facts are not communicated, JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL will be exempt from any responsibility that may arise from the improper use of identifiers and/or passwords by unauthorized third parties.
Modification of the conditions of the Legal Notice
JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL expressly reserves the right to modify this Legal Notice. The user acknowledges and accepts that it is their responsibility to review the Website and this Legal Notice.
Limitation of guarantees and responsibilities
JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL undertakes to make its best efforts to avoid any errors in the contents that may appear on the Web. In any case, JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL will be exempt from any liability arising from any errors in the contents that may appear on the Web, as long as they are not attributable to it.
JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL does not guarantee that the Web and the server are free of viruses and is not responsible for possible damages that may arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in operation operation of this electronic system, motivated by causes beyond JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL
Intellectual and industrial property
All Industrial and Intellectual Property rights of the Web and its contents (texts, images, sounds, audio, video, designs, creativity, software) belong to JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL or, where applicable, to third parties , to whom corresponds the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the same in any form.
The reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the mode of making available, of all or part of the contents of this web page, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of JOM METAL are expressly prohibited PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL
The user can view all the elements, print them, copy them and store them on the hard drive of his computer or on any other physical medium as long as it is, solely and exclusively, for his personal and private use, remaining, therefore, its use for other purposes is strictly prohibited.
JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL provides access to all types of information, services, programs or data on the Internet that may belong to third parties, in which case JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL is not responsible for these contents or all claims that may arise from the quality, reliability, accuracy or correctness thereof.
Third party links
In the event that the Web contains links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL will not exercise any type of control over these sites and contents. In no case will JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to a third-party website, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, veracity and validity of any material or information contained above from hyperlinks or other Internet sites.
Aquests enllaços només es proporcionen per informar l’Usuari sobre l’existència d’altres fonts d’informació sobre un tema concret, i la inclusió d’un enllaç no implica l’aprovació de la pàgina web enllaçada per JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, S.L.
Protection of personal data
JOM METAL PARTS MANUFACTURING, SL. adopts the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the protection of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the art, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all this, in accordance with what is established by the Spanish legislation on the Protection of Personal Data.
Please read the legal texts carefully, in particular our Privacy Policy, before providing your personal data.
Law and jurisdiction
In the event that any conflict or discrepancy arises in the interpretation or application of this Legal Notice, the Courts and Tribunals that, if applicable, will hear the matter, are those that have the applicable legal regulations.
In the case of a company, both parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of Granollers (Spain).
Convocatoria: Programa de ayuda para actuaciones de eficiencia energética en las PYME y en grandes empresas del sector industrial.
Título del proyecto: Inversión en nueva y mejorada tecnología para la fabricación de productos metálicos.
Resultados: Ahorro energético anual: 582.945,00 kWh/año y 50,13 tep/año.
ESTAMPACIONES METÁLICAS JOM, S.L. ha sido beneficiaria de una Ayuda del Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital dentro del Programa de ayudas IDAE para Actuaciones de Eficiencia Energética PYME y en Gran Empresa del Sector Industrial (nº de expediente ICA012/19/000228), con una ayuda concedida de 125.551,25€ y una inversión elegible de 650.000,00€.
Esta ayuda ha permitido mejorar la eficiencia energética de la planta productiva de ESTAMPACIONES METÁLICAS JOM, S.L., mediante la sustitución de una máquina de corte con una mejora en la producción y especialmente en el consumo energético, el cual se ha reducido en gran medida respecto a la máquina anterior.
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)
"Una manera de hacer Europa"